The finds found inside the huts during the archaeological excavations in the village of Su Coddu, have been attributed to the culture of Ozieri (which takes its name from the first finds in the cave of San Michele). The Ozieri culture dated before the IV millennium BC and the sub-Ozieri culture (term coined by Prof. Giovanni Ugas in the 80s during the presentation of the first results of the excavations) dated second half IV millennium BC.
The pottery of the Ozieri period includes containers used for the consumption and storage of food, embellished with geometric decorations (festoons, spirals, concentric circles, filled with white paste or red ocher).
Over time, we witnessed the gradual passage towards sub Ozieri culture whose finds have been cataloged in two classes: Canelles A and Canelles B.
In the forms, the first presents models that reflect the culture of Ozieri but with one simplification of decorative motifs perhaps caused by the need to engage in other activities emerging such as metallurgy. Among the finds, we find pans, tripods, flat plates, bowls, spindle whorl and jars for cooking food, characterized by a coarse mixture of color that goes from reddish brown to black and for the most part without decoration, except for some specimens, which have vertical, horizontal and zigzag-engraved lines.
Among those of Canelles B there are no cooking vases but only those for storage of food and liquids, often painted with red band decoration, including biconical jars, flasks and neck jars. The mixture was finer than those of the type Canelles A and was pinkish yellow in color.